The fact is, cash and checks can get lost and credit card information, if not put in a secure place, can get into the wrong hands between the time the information was taken down and the customer’s card was charged. M-commerce solutions have taken a lot of the hassles out of doing business “on the run.”​
Secure credit and debit card authorizations within a matter of seconds
Reduced instances of credit card fraud and chargebacks
Improved cash flow
When you choose mobile payment processing from MEGA M, limits no longer apply to your business. You can accept credit card payments ANYWHERE using just your smartphone or tablet. Accept payment from customers anywhere your business goes.
Go wireless to avoid losing business. Use your smartphone or tablet to accept all major credit cards, so your customers can quickly and conveniently provide payment in their preferred form. This mobile payment solution offers the security you expect from MEGA M without the need for cumbersome hardware or a wired connection.
Give customers the flexibility to pay via Credit card, ACH or Check for your mail and telephone business. Quickly and conveniently process “card not present” credit card payments using our mail order payment solution, send invoices with a payment link. Provide excellent customer service by ensuring efficient and secure payment clearing for each transaction.
Choose Mega M for easy and convenient payment processing. It does not matter what your business offers, we have a Mail Order Telephone Order or MOTO payment solution to meet your needs.
Mega M mail order processing solutions give you the ability to accept all payments without needing the card or customer to be present. Improve your mail order sales process with a payment solution from us.
If you have an internet store or own a retail website, you need online credit card processing. With the help of an online merchant account and credit card payment gateway, you can give your customers the option to purchase goods with the click of a mouse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mega M offers a fully compliant eCommerce merchant account and the ability to process online credit card sales via your website. Our software is easily compatible with most shopping cart systems on the market today.
Payment Gateway enables merchants to accept credit cards on a secure, real-time basis from their website, through mobile devices and directly from their place of business. The latest, most sophisticated digital encryption is used to transmit information, and direct communication lines are used to obtain real-time authorizations, ensuring the accuracy and validity of each transaction. Plus, merchants get the added convenience of having funds deposited directly into their bank account. Payment Gateway is your secure connection between your website and the merchant bank processing networks. It is integrated into all major third-party shopping carts, allowing merchants utilizing these carts to process through with a click of the switch.
Payment Gateway also offers easy to implement; invoicing; reporting; recurring payments; data vaulting; customizable shopping cart for internet storefronts. It is a simple, yet powerful, integrated shopping cart designed to help merchants increase sales to valuable, hard-earned online shoppers. Combined with a secure real-time credit card transaction processing service, online merchants can continue to take advantage of the unlimited income-generating opportunities available with the explosion of the internet marketplace. With the integrated shopping cart system, no software installation is needed. In addition, our gateway partners have developed the Product Page Generator to assist merchants in creating HTML pages for their website using easy to follow, step-by-step instructions for quick setup. The Product Page Generator conveniently generates an enabled web page with the look-and-feel of the merchant’s own existing website, business model, and products. What does this mean for the online merchant? Simplicity. Online businesses can begin accepting payments via the internet immediately, on an automated basis, 24 hours a day.